Have you ever thought what might be the biggest mistake in your life which you feel if given a chance, you would like to correct it? The mistake which makes things even more messier and screws up?
Every time i feel something's wrong, I ponder over these questions and painful enough, i end up with the same answer!!! "Patience".
My threshold for patience is so very low that i keep loosin it quite often and the result is as horrifying as the cause.. even though i keep reminding myself of not to loose it, the moment it crosses the limit everything goes for a toss.. and finally after all the things, I will be left with no other option but to wonder why am i so impatient? Why dont i hold myself back? why why why?? just the questions!!!
well, that wont end there.. guilty feelings.. some tears.. no interest in food.. all find a way to reach me :-) and finally i convince myself that next time this wont happen again. This is the end. I will be more patient from now on. And it remains in me until the next time i start thinking, "why the hell i am like this?" , "why cant i be a lil more patient?" ;-)
And i see no end to this drama.............
excellent move! welcome to the world of blogging... really liked your first couple of posts... will wait for you to plunder your mind further ;-)
keep 'em coming...
Thank you for the warm welcome :-)
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