Dead bored.. I am literally killing time.. In these moments its quite natural for me to come with various thoughtful quotes..
This is one among them...
"They say 'No friendship without expection..' however they even say 'expectations hurts..' so basically do they mean friendship hurts??"
Detailed Explanation? well here it goes...
Friendship stands on expectation? agreed? ---- Equation 1
expectation results in hurtings.. I agree this.. ---- Equation 2
After staring at the two equations for two mins.. came to the conclusion that friendship hurts.!!
Hence theorem proved!
You seem to be really using your head arent you??
Any relationship for that matter hurts you cause of xyz reasons.
Its only that stronger the relationship greater the understanding and lesser hard feelings...
the stronger the relationship greater is the understanding.. agreed.. unknowingly even the expectations grows.. give it a thought.. :P
and for ur first line.. so u do think that i use my brains.!! thanks bindu.. I take it as a compliment.. hehehe
2 x 0 = 0 (eqn 1)
0 x 3 = 0 (eqn 2)
so, it stands to reason that 2 = 3.
(i can be mindnumbingly pedantic if i want!)
Found this interesting bit -
"Expectations which are,
are the ones that lead to frustration."
thats really a good one! so very true.. when does that expectation grows? which is unexpressed but still expects it to be fulfilled.. which is unrealistic but still hope someday it magically turns realistic.. crazy isnt it?
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