Tuesday, November 6, 2012

First day @ Swimming - Blurry vision

It was my first day of swimming, the instructor had clearly told me that im supposed to open my eyes under water so i royally opened my eyes all the while floating even though I felt the sting of water. Least that i knew the after-effects of that daring act of mine!

After an hour of floating, the environment around me seemed very dull and cloudy.. I wasn't worried much since i knew that chlorine has some effects on eyes. But later in the changing room, the tube-light had a super glowing effect which irritated my eyes, being skeptical about it, I rinsed my eyes.. and then the stage was set.. drama began..

Everything around me started glowing, I felt i was dipped in a pool of holy water and was blessed with spiritual energy to see the aureole of various things around me.. so bright.. blue.. red.. green auras.. it glared my vision, I was stupendously amazed by the virtue of spirituality. I came out of the room and i could hardly see the objects 10 feet away.. my eyes were all red with irritation. I thought this spiritual effect might stay longer than expected and was desperately praying God to return back my normal vision.

Hoping that God still had some mercy on me, i reached office with great difficulty, my eyes were nearly blinded by the powerful rays of Lord Surya whenever it hit the windshield. But the greater pain was driving in the night.. yes! needless to say, the spiritual effect did stay until night. I was completely blinded by the high-beam lights, could not judge where the divider was and neither could i see anyone crossing the road. In the meanwhile, i sought my all-time adviser, on the cause and remedial measure for eye irritation and it did return a long list of search results. I was all set to try some home remedies.

One of them seemed very simple and less painful.. (there were suggestions of keeping onions on eyes so that tears would wash off the excessive chlorine!! i would never do that). Back home, i took a cup of milk and tried to pour on my eyes. Undoubtedly, it never reached my eyes in the first attempt! Hell-bent, i continued my task.. after a lot of futile efforts and straining my neck, i was successful in pouring some milk into my eyes and that indeed did wonders.. my first tear of joy rolled down my cheeks.. never was i so happy when i cried!!

For all those frustrated swimmers who just need the SOLUTION at the moment than all the crap i wrote -

Pour few drops of pasteurized milk into eyes.. try for sometime and that clears the vision. A power nap would add to the effect and relax ur eyes. If you are worried more about the logic, there is a site called GOOGLE.. which has all the answers to your inquisitive brain :P

Next time, don't forget your swim goggles :)

Happy swimming


Prathibha said...

Blurry vision made you return to your blog!! Am happy abt it.. :P I got to read.. :D

Padmashree said...

hehe :P