Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Confused and lost

Me: "Excuse me, how do i reach Majestic from here?"
Stranger: "Take a right in the second signal, first left, third right,......diagonal left......... straight......... signal........"
Me (profoundly confused): oh ok! Thanks.

Some instructions faded instantaneously and a few more mocked at me, needless to say, i was lost again. To remember the directions, be it a simple(what others like to call it as) left and right is such a painful, arduous and exhaustive task. There are cases of me steering the car right while the rest of them are shouting "left left left!..." The biggest ordeal is when i reach some place with great difficulty and while leaving they ruthlessly say "Take the same route, it will take you to your place". I will be confounded with the very idea of it!

Leave alone that! The greatest tragedy of my life is when im the sole person traveling in an auto and compelled to give instructions to the reckless auto-walas. Hopelessness adorns their face while im desperately deciding on left or right. Many-a-times, they give me a deadly look when i say "take right" and in reality there is a huge building standing straight in the way!. Someone told me that girls usually have left/right confusions... hmm... some relief!

However, its not just the left/right im confused about... It took me few months to get accustomed to the campus roads in college while my friends took few minutes to digest the whole map. Every time i took a turn, i was mystified and stupefied to discover that the road actually connected to canteen.. or administrative block or library! Sometimes, i get this feeling of deja-vu when i see some roads.. I see familiar buildings, trees.. and then comes the realization that i have been there almost every day but from the other side of the road!

How unmindful and stupid of me, i think sometimes! Why don't i remember the directions when everyone else around me knows it by-heart. "You need to concentrate while driving" is the most popular advice i always get from people. But, No matter how hard i concentrate, i can hardly remember few turns.. many more? im lost for sure. Its like asking a color-blind person to concentrate more on colors!

Every-time i take a bus, i make it a point to remember the directions.. well-equipped with a beamy idea of mobile-holding-hand as right and the other one left, I memorize every turn it takes, find a landmark for every turn.. and this goes on effortlessly for the first few turns.. few more diversions, i start to wonder where the bus took the first left! It hardly takes few minutes to contemplate that i lost the track yet another time!

Well, I have to admit, It was never easy for me to take complaints about my short term memory for directions. Sometimes, I yell at them... stop talking... remain stone-cold.. try hard to concentrate where i am! But, Nevertheless, i still have to ask them which way to go! I see no end to this drama......

P.S : I was googling for directions confusion and i hit this interesting blog, nicely written. Im very much convinced that im not the only ONE ;) One suggestion was to note down the directions. Guess i will start that one :)


Prathibha said...
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Prathibha said...

Happens dear...!!!
Someday, I was circling Kanteerava Stadium instead of going straight to majestic !! :P
Also, We had faced some similar thing while going to Yavanika, right.. ;)
I do sometimes make note of the route in mobile!!
Use Google Maps on mobile ;)

Padmashree said...

@Prathibha yup :) planning to use that from now on !

Pari said...

Dats also of no use!! :P u wil keep dat mobile in bag and tel "Oh Man!! i had kept my mobile here and i dono whr it wnet " :P :P

Padmashree said...

@Pari nan notes use madtini andiddu.. alle car alle idtini adna.. :P